Message from VP Choueiry
Posted On: Oct 26, 2024

Patrick Choueiry

Vice President

Local F-33 


Dear F-33 Executive Board and Local Member Brothers and Sisters,

I am writing to formally resign from my position as Vice President—as I will likely be accepting the position of Station Captain within our organization. This will be a bittersweet transition for me. I view my time serving on the E-Board as a true privilege, one that I’ll always share gratitude for the opportunity and experience gained defending, supporting, and advocating for our members. For that I want to express my thanks, and also convey that I have the utmost confidence in the leadership staff of our local to continue to make a positive impact on behalf of our members. 

This process of our members moving up from labor to management is, in my view, a positive step for the future of our department “to salt the ranks above” with our values and experiences. Thank you again for your trust, support, and respect during my time on the board.


Patrick Choueiry