Federal Firefighters
San Diego IAFF Local F-33
  • Latest News
    Sisters and Brothers of the CPF 5 th Disrtict, This letter has been vetted through our IAFF DVP Jim Johnson and your Service Representatives. As we have been expecting since the November elections, the chaos with the federal government has started.
    Patrick Choueiry Vice President Local F-33  10/25/2024 Dear F-33 Executive Board and Local Member Brothers and Sisters, I am writing to formally resign from my position as Vice President—as I will likely be accepting the position of Station Captain within our organization. This will be a bittersweet transition for me.

    Attention All Members

    Please Attend the following meetings:

    10/2 Station 11 @ 0900-1100

    10/3 Station 16 @ 0900-1100

    Get the INTEL, 

    Voice your CONCERNS

    be HEARD!


    We Need Volunteers!
    Email Chief Rhoden to sign up.
    Click Below at the Halloweensignup.png to see what jobs you can help with.  Be sure to mention that when you Email her.

    Download: Halloweensignup.png
    Click Here to Donate!
    Our new official Local F-33 Union IDs have arrived!  Send the information below to fedffprobie@gmail.com; it will be submitted and purchased in orders of 10 from a third-party vendor.


    We have two upcoming SPECIAL MEETINGS 

    April 24th @ Station 11 0900-1100

    April 25th @ Station 16 0900-1100

    These two meetings will be for the purpose of Election Nominations.

    All Board members are currently up for re-election and all nominations will need to take place during these two days.

    Positions Up for Election


    Vice President




    Get involved and nominate your Board of Director Leadership!

    Brothers and Sisters

    We have two upcoming general meetings.

    1/24 @ Station 11 0900-1100

    1/25 @ Station 16 0900-1100

    We have a lot to share. Please attend.

    -President Hudson

    Please donate to Casey and Heather Arrayan's GoFundMe and support them in their time of need.  Their daughter Kali'a is battling Leukemia and Casey will have to spend many days away from work to endure this fight. Every Dollar Helps. 



  • Federal Firefighters
    San Diego IAFF Local F-33

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