Federal Firefighters
San Diego IAFF Local F-33
  • Latest News
    Our new official Local F-33 Union IDs have arrived!  Send the information below to fedffprobie@gmail.com; it will be submitted and purchased in orders of 10 from a third-party vendor.


    We have two upcoming SPECIAL MEETINGS 

    April 24th @ Station 11 0900-1100

    April 25th @ Station 16 0900-1100

    These two meetings will be for the purpose of Election Nominations.

    All Board members are currently up for re-election and all nominations will need to take place during these two days.

    Positions Up for Election


    Vice President




    Get involved and nominate your Board of Director Leadership!

    Brothers and Sisters

    We have two upcoming general meetings.

    1/24 @ Station 11 0900-1100

    1/25 @ Station 16 0900-1100

    We have a lot to share. Please attend.

    -President Hudson

    Please donate to Casey and Heather Arrayan's GoFundMe and support them in their time of need.  Their daughter Kali'a is battling Leukemia and Casey will have to spend many days away from work to endure this fight. Every Dollar Helps. 


    • 3 Shirt Maximum
    • Payment is due when you receive the shirt/shirts
    • Payments will be made with Pay Pal to @SandiegoLocalunion

    Click Here to Order

    All Members are invited and encouraged to attend the upcoming union meetings.

    IAFF Brother in Need

    Sending this out on behalf of our Brothers and Sisters at Miramar Fire IAFF Local F-289.

    It is with great sorrow we inform our local that the IAFF Brotherhood has suffered a tragic loss in our family.  Miramar Firefighter Samuel Martinez’s son Isaac Martinez has passed away due to cancer.  Isaac Martinez had dreams of becoming a firefighter like his father.

    Firefighter Samuel Adam Martinez needs leave donations and is in the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP). If interested, you can donate as little as one (1) hour of your annual leave and it'll all add up. Please use the attached form opm 630b. and submit the attached form along with your most recent LES to Ms. Lakisha Jackson (lakisha.m.jackson6.civ@us.navy.mil) in our HRO and Ms. Sarah Faas (sarah.faas@usmc.mil) at MCAS Miramar’s HRO. If you have any questions you may reach out to them as well.

    Download: opm630b.pdf
    Brothers and Sisters, We have received a list of frequently asked questions from HR.  We will continue to distribute information as fast as we receive it.  Please Contact Shop Stewards if you have questions.

    Download: Furlough FAQs 2023.pdf
    Local Officers, We are about nine days away from a possible government shutdown.  Please ensure your members know this and are as prepared as possible.  Of course, we all hope Congress can find some common ground and avoid a shutdown.   The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has not issued any new guidance for a shutdown.



  • Federal Firefighters
    San Diego IAFF Local F-33

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